Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Week in Review

In a nut shell...swimming, rain, swimming, and more rain!

In my Facebook life, I usually publish my status update with a song. It usually reflects my mood or some of the lyrics state what I am doing that day. I need to get a few more blogs posted to see how I will let my creative side (little as it may be) shine through!

For now, here's a chronological account to share with the family.....and my song of the week will be MAMMA MIA...Here I go again!

WEDNESDAY....I had my biannual check-up with my PCP...and, YIPPEE my blood pressure remains stable...capped off the night with, you guessed it...swimming. I finally got my act together and had dinner prepped in advance (made a turkey Tues night) and took it to the pool in my little handy-dandy Tupperware bowls. Michael John had a little difficulty adjusting, "Mom, broccoli is not supposed to be eaten at the pool. That is a home food!" He finally acquiesced, meanwhile Patrick was proud to show him how to eat the little "flowers."

THURSDAY....Our budding little actor Michael John performed in the 1st grade play, "Everybody Smiles in the Same Language!" He shocked his teachers and family and was quite the little performer...singing and dancing! Here are a few video clips of his moment in the lime light!

After the play was over, I had my boot camp session....and finally gained some street cred with the "Howard County Housewives!" I do an intense conditioning class with Jeff Friday who was the Raven's Strength and Conditioning Coach. He takes us through a variety of stations, and on the one minute stairmaster drill (at resistance level 125), I tied for 2nd place for the number of floors climbed...this is a huge accomplishment for me! I have always done quite well with endurance activity, but have never been great with upper body strength, lifting, and these one minute full intensity excercises.

That evening, we got rained out for swimming practice, and had some spare time to pick up Carolyn's new glasses....with PINK frames...a girl after my own heart! bike ride got rained out, so I did the next best a mani/pedi...thanks to one of my little Girl Scouts who gave me the gift card! Once again, swimming got rained did the outdor campfire for the Cub Scout bridging ceremony. The ceremony was moved indoors, and my little Tiger bridged to a Wolf.

SATURDAY...Carolyn's last tap class of the year...a quick trip home...and then back to the studio where she auditioned for the Tap Competition Team...we should hear early next week. She is ready to take the plunge...I'm not sure I am ready to turn over 4 Winter/Spring weekends to competitions (not to mention 2 weeks of dance camps, summer practices, and 2 more classes during the year)! Afterward, we went to Annapolis for a 40th birthday party for my "old" backyard friend from my childhood, Sue. It was an 80's theme and she answered the door in an 80's style prom dress and a tiara...GO SUZANNE! Then, we were off to Towson for Michael's childhood friend's outdoor movie night...I think we logged 110 miles in our travels last night!

SUNDAY...My Michael John celebrated his magic birthday....7 on the 7th! We had his friend party at Shadowland where a group of 15 played laser tag. All I can say is, "I feel for the teachers!" These kiddos are well beyond focusing and listening in June!!
I hope everyone has a great week.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Is it summer yet?

The clan is coming off a busy weekend...

Friday night we had a Girl Scout campout. Unfortunately the weather channel hour-by-hour report showed rain, rain, and you guessed it...RAIN! The girls pitched tents in a basement, and the moms slept in the family room.

Saturday the girls arrived home and Mom and Michael John took off for his lacrosse game. Afterward, we had a Mommy and Michael John trip to Giant so he could pick out his menu for his family birthday celebration. He wanted pizza...Papa Johns and english muffin pizza! He also selected an ice cream cake (with BLACK writing) and an ice cream sundae bar! YUM YUM!!

We had a fun evening with both sets of grandparents, Uncle Joe, Matt and Abby. MJ was thrilled to receive a Joe Flacco Ravens jersey.

Sunday was all about Carolyn. We all dressed in red for Pentecost and went to mass. Then the running began. Carolyn's extra class performed in the 1:00 recital and her main class performed in the 5:00 show. If I can get this blogging thing down, maybe I'll figure out how to post videos!
My Aunt Ruth visited from Connecticut to see the show...she has been a dancer for years! We reconvened at the house and gabbed until well past midnight.

The weekend was a blast, but no rest for the weary. The last of the family departed Monday at 4 pm...and summer swim team began at 5:30. Carolyn and Michael John are both on the Forest Hill team this summer...GO FROGS! They have practice every night for the next 3 weeks until school lets out...yes school does not end until June 19th...ugh!

Mom managed to fit a few runs in this weekend and was back at Boot Camp today at 9:30. Tonight was the juggling act...Carolyn's swimming was 5:30 to 6:30 and Michael John's lacrosse practice was from 6-7pm.

Well there you have it...I'll try and keep this updated to stay in touch with our extended family!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday the 13th

Michael took the day off today. We went suit shopping then met Pop Pop for lunch at one of our local fav's...Eggspectations.

Nothing exciting - Michael John is off at swimming. All of the kids are finally feeling better this weekend after several rounds of illness!